Changes in TASE and MAYA websites

As of December 5, 2021, some of the data pages on the TASE and MAYA websites will be available for viewing in a browser only, without the option of downloading files. Users interested in processing the data in their systems will be able to use the new TASE Data Hub service, through which they can obtain a variety of market data in files, reports or directly via the API. Some of the data available in the TASE Data Hub services involves a fee.
Following is a list of data pages in the TASE websites for which the change will apply. This list will be updated from time to time and will be published on the TASE websites.
1. Universe Constituents Update
2. Indices Constituents Update
3. Securities for Indices Lists Update
4. Expected Changes in IANS & Float
5. Expected Changes in Weight Factor
6. Capital Listed for Trading
7. Income Payments
8. Corporate Events
9. Short Sales - Weekly Balance

The data can be downloaded via the new TASE Data Hub service or via the data sales team by email: